Professional Experience:
Web Work By Andrea, San Francisco, CA
Owner and Programmer, January 2006 - present
- Primarily set up for contracting with Buckeye Web Pros
- Other three clients acquired via 'word-of-mouth':
Author, Entertainment Company, Poet
- All client websites were complete websites and also consisted of maintenance as required.
Berkinshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, San Francisco, CA
Contract Programmer, December 2011 - March 2012
- Using very restricted set of HTML and CSS, duplicated forms from Word,
add/update to SQL database, generate PDF version using Brite application.
- Used application to view forms which sometimes required fine tuning
for alignment and paging.
- A few forms were reproduced using Visual Studio 2000.
- Over 340 forms where reproduced.
ZDR Media, San Francisco, CA
Web Programmer, March 2011 - August 2011
- Primarily set up for contracting with Buckeye Web Pros
- Maintain 11 websites for Cannabis Club Network.
- Add reviews to club pages and directory page.
- Add new clubs including creating new review page.
- Automate annual reward processing based on reviews.
- Learn Double Click for websites (not completed).
- Automate the various daily manual tasks for websites (not compeleted).
- Note: Later projects were not completed because the company had
temporary financial problems. Most of the time the owner and I were the
only ones trying to maintain the sites.
Buckeye Web Pros/ World Wide Web Pros, San Francisco, CA
Contractor Web Programmer, April 2007 - August 2011
- Contract per project, usually 3-4 projects at a time in various stages.
- Developed a very basic CMS system for client use.
- Most projects involved complete website from master plan to total website
including a CMS system so client can update various parts of the site.
- Most websites included a photo gallery (uses LightBox) and products pages.
- SEO friendly websites from a programming point of view
with content provided by content writers.
- Communicated via email and phone.
Extranomical Adventures, San Francisco, CA
Web Programmer Intern, August 2005 - August 2006
- Worked on already designed website doing maintenance and enhancements
including major changes to the reservation page.
- Used hand-coded HTML, Javascript, CSS and PhotoShop.