Sample Web Sites - Andrea Keane
- Author's website, heavily modified free layout
- Modified author's blog layout for consistency with website
- Poet's website, heavily modified free layout
- Owner let domain name expire.
- Originally designed for old layout (horizontal)
- Modified for new layout done by someone else
- Heavily modified free layout
- With CMS/WCP
- Dispensary went out of business
- Screen shot and sample page from early testing but the general layout can be determined.
- Events website, layout from PhotoShop mockup
- With CMS/WCP
- Layout from PhotoShop mockup
- With CMS/WCP
- Old layout test sample only
- Not the same as on-line and do not maintain
- Heavily modified free layout
- With CMS/WCP
- No longer work on this site
- Sample current website modfications
- Home and Services sample pages only
- Decided to stay with current
- Mock up design for home page
- Layout from PhotoShop mockup
- Handcoded HTML, CSS, and jQuery (cycle plug-in)